The Bodyguard #ThrowbackThursday #BookX #BookBlogger#Blogger #RomCom #TheBodyGuard

Fast-paced and filled with witty banter and fun, The Bodyguard is an entertaining beach read!

The Bodyguard by Katherine Center (cover) Graphic Image:: a man and woman stand back to back with arms folded

Genre/Categories/Setting: Contemporary Women’s Fiction, Rom/Com, Chick Lit, Texas Ranch

***This post may contain Amazon affiliate links.

Welcome to #ThrowBackThursday where I highlight an older review or post a current review of a backlist title. Today, I’m sharing a favorite Katherine Center title, The Bodyguard.

I’m linking up with Davida @ The Chocolate Lady’s Book Review Blog for #ThrowbackThursday.

She’s got his back…

Hannah is a petite Executive Protection Agent (bodyguard) hired to protect movie star Jack Stapleton from a stalker.

He’s got her heart…

Jack needs a bodyguard but must be with his ailing mom at the family ranch. Because he doesn’t want to alarm his family about the stalker and doesn’t want to tell them about his bodyguard, he decides that Hannah will pretend to be his girlfriend/fiance. Hannah has reservations about this “cover,” but goes along with it. She can protect him, but can she protect her heart? What could possibly go wrong?

Fast-paced, witty, and fun…..

Will this romcom be your next favorite Katherine Center story?


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